About Me

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I'm the author of four books: Warrior SOS, The Work of Death, Together Forever, and Leaders Wanted. I'm in the doc film Please Remove Your Shoes. I've blogged for The Washington Times, and I write for Guns.com. I've worked for the high-profile U.S.-led Roadmap to Mideast Peace in Israel and Palestine. I've also worked as a SWAT team leader, a Federal Air Marshal and a sole-source training instructor on a classified contract with a U.S. government customer. My master's degree is in Military Studies and terrorism. I'm a former noncommissioned and commissioned Army officer, with service in Iraq. I've been Scuba diving and skydiving; I have trained with members of the U.S. Olympic Ski Team, and I'm an FBI-trained crisis negotiator. My interests lie in helping others and in strengthening America through inspiring moral courage, government fiscal responsibility and accountability, and maintaining principles that have made--and will continue to make--the United States of America a blessed and prosperous country. I'm a father of six, a husband, and a police officer. I reside in Utah, and I'm a Mormon. See also https://jeffreydenning.wordpress.com.

August 10, 2012

CQB Pistol Course, Sat. Aug 25, northern Illinois

Picture accessed from Tactical-Life.com

Warrior SOS is raising money for a good cause. 

In order to get some funds, I’m teaching a course at an awesome facility in Mount Carroll, called www.HollowTrainingCenter.com 

If you’re interested in the CQB Pistol course in a 360-degree shoot house leave a note on the blog. 

The cost is $225 with discounts (really good discounts, if needed) to law enforcement, war veterans and returning students. Please note this is an Advanced Course.

Course Description

This course focuses on advanced pistol handling skills, decision-making shooting, room clearing, handheld flashlight techniques indoors, team work and team movement. With an emphasis on safety, students will engage multiple targets in a multi-room, 360-degree shoot house.

Instructor experience includes:

- Founder/Director, Warrior SOS
- Team Leader, full-time SWAT team
- Top Gun Winner, Federal Air Marshal
- Private Contractor (including classified contract)
- OIF War Veteran
- NRA Law Enforcement Tactical Instructor
- LAPD Advanced SWAT School
- Guns.com tactical writer
- Utah CCW Instructor

 See what others have said about Warrior SOS courses here: http://warriorsos.blogspot.com/2010/11/shooting-course-feedback.html

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