Warrior SOS is dedicated to helping families and individuals associated with military, law enforcement and security operations. We teach tactical firearms safety and survival. Our motto: Train. Win. Recover.
About Me

- Jeffrey Denning
- I'm the author of four books: Warrior SOS, The Work of Death, Together Forever, and Leaders Wanted. I'm in the doc film Please Remove Your Shoes. I've blogged for The Washington Times, and I write for Guns.com. I've worked for the high-profile U.S.-led Roadmap to Mideast Peace in Israel and Palestine. I've also worked as a SWAT team leader, a Federal Air Marshal and a sole-source training instructor on a classified contract with a U.S. government customer. My master's degree is in Military Studies and terrorism. I'm a former noncommissioned and commissioned Army officer, with service in Iraq. I've been Scuba diving and skydiving; I have trained with members of the U.S. Olympic Ski Team, and I'm an FBI-trained crisis negotiator. My interests lie in helping others and in strengthening America through inspiring moral courage, government fiscal responsibility and accountability, and maintaining principles that have made--and will continue to make--the United States of America a blessed and prosperous country. I'm a father of six, a husband, and a police officer. I reside in Utah, and I'm a Mormon. See also https://jeffreydenning.wordpress.com.
December 25, 2014
December 23, 2014
Valor: Unsung Heroes
A really great guy and very skilled, award-winning 3-gun shooter, Scott McGregor, recently suggested that I reach out to a Marine Corps MARSOC veteran named Buck Doyle who runs Follow Through Consulting, a firearms and leadership training company.
In the course of searching out Buck online, I found this great article on Forbes.com. Buck says he was hesitant at first to share his stories about being in combat, but after researching the author, he felt the guy (Mark Greenblatt) had pure intentions.
Hopefully I can get together with Buck soon. He seems like a terrific guy, and, who knows--we probably know some of the same guys other than the aforementioned shooter who recommended I link up with Buck in the first place.
The Forbes.com article describing the book is well worth the read. Here it is:
Three Lessons WeCan Learn From Returning Vets: A Q&A With Valor Author Mark Greenblatt
What can we
civilians learn from the acts of valor that you detail?
Three lessons come to mind.
One of the heroes I profiled, an Army grunt named Steve Sanford, saw a buddy
get shot by a sniper and ran into the sniper‘s fire to save his fallen
comrade. Steve gave the man CPR while the insurgent sniper continued
shooting at them from, literally, a few feet away. Multiple bullets
pinged into Steve’s Kevlar vest. In our interview, I asked Steve what he
was thinking in that moment. Steve’s answer was, “Yep, I’m being shot,”
but that didn’t matter. He kept performing CPR, desperately trying to
save his buddy’s life. “I had better things to do,” he said, “than worry
about pieces of metal sticking out of my vest.” That is perseverance.
Dan Foster,
another of the heroes profiled in Valor, was doing guard duty when his
base came under attack from dozens of insurgents. A huge truck bomb
knocked Dan off his feet, but he regained his composure and fought back.
He, along with his buddy Nick, held off the assault and saved their unit’s
lives. Dan was injured in the fighting, but didn’t realize the extent of
his injuries until he was back in the medical area and looked in the
mirror. He had lost more than a dozen teeth and substantial bone
structure from his upper and lower jaws. He had also lost hearing in one
ear. But – get this – Dan returned to the fight. That too is
So, whenever
I’m ready to give up on some task – to throw in the towel because it’s too much
of a pain – I actually think about Steve Sanford and Dan Foster. If those
guys persevered in those moments, how can I possibly give up when I face my
first-world problems?
2. Loyalty. Everyone
of the heroes told me that what really motivated them was love for their
brothers in arms. They spoke of the special bond between people who serve
together. That bond is unlike anything I have ever seen. They will
do virtually anything to help each other, including sacrificing their own
lives. It’s inspiring to witness that level of dedication.
This sense of
brotherhood was drilled into them from the beginning of their military
service. One man, a Marine named James Hassell, told me his drill
sergeants would motivate them, not by warning that they would get killed,
because “after a while, we didn’t really fear that. What we feared was
letting down our brothers. We didn’t want to be the guy that gets one of
your brothers killed.”
Buck Doyle,
another Marine, received the Bronze Star Medal with Valor for trying to save
another Marine, Sgt. Nick Walsh. Buck dismissed his Bronze Star Medal,
explaining, “The award for me is the brotherhood. If you are
accepted in that brotherhood, that’s the greatest award you can receive.
For me, my award is having Nick’s parents regard me as part of their family –
that’s a huge award – hearing that Nick spoke of me the whole time to
his parents, that he regarded me as a brother. That is the eternal reward
that no colonel can think about giving me, so I regard that responsibility and
honor of serving with those guys as the award.”
3. Poise in
the Face of Adversity: Another hero profiled in Valor, Army
Ranger Chris Choay, was in a firefight against insurgents hunkered down in a
bunker in an Afghan valley. Chris led his squad through machine-gun
crossfire to get within 65 yards of the bunker. The insurgents
didn’t know Chris was there. If they just looked to their left, Chris
would have been a dead man.
Chris was
preparing to eliminate the threat, when he realized that he was completely
alone – his men had not heard him when he initiated the assault. Chris was also
severely outgunned – the insurgents had three machine guns and a
rocket-propelled grenade.
But Chris kept
going and he prepared to attack the insurgents by himself.
And then disaster
struck: Chris’s rifle jammed. “That,” Chris told me, “was the loneliest
moment of my life.”
I don’t know
about you, but I think I would have curled up in the fetal position and cried
for mommy. Or cursed loudly.
But not
Chris. He stayed calm. He knelt down and fixed his rifle.
Then he stood up and proceeded to take out the enemy bunker by himself.
So when I’m about
to lose my cool, I think about Chris Choay. If Chris can stay poise in
the face of such adversity, how can I fall apart when my Wi-Fi goes down, or
when the line for my latte is too long, or when some idiot cuts me off in
What myths
do you think exist about the veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and
what, if anything, should we be doing to correct those myths?
A few
unfortunate and inaccurate stereotypes about our military veterans
persist. First is the caricature of the macho, rough-and-tumble guy who
just likes to shoot things or blow things up. I’ll admit that, when I
first started this project, I expected the best parts of the book would be the
bang-bang-shoot-‘em-up tales. But the more I got to know the heroes as
people, the more I realized their stories would be incomplete without getting
into the backgrounds and their motivations – they are interesting, funny, smart
individuals, with full lives. With our all-volunteer military, few
Americans know service members personally these days, so that meathead
stereotype still exists. One of my goals in writing Valor was to
help bridge that gap.
Sadly, there is
another caricature emerging, that of an on-edge person in the grips of
post-traumatic stress. I know that a sizeable number of veterans suffer
when they return home, and we need to help them as much as possible. More
needs to be done to erase the stigma preventing veterans from seeking mental
health treatment. But I fear that this storyline has been overplayed by
the media, such that every returning veteran is portrayed as a ticking
time-bomb. That’s just not accurate. They are some of the smartest,
most engaging, most capable, and highest-character people I’ve ever
A December quote for December 23rd
have little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has
ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to
military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who had so
earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every
decent method which wisdom could invent.
Paine, Common Sense, Number I, December 23, 1776
The American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial was dedicated in late 2014
We have to remember that when you come home from war, your
battle is just beginning and it’s going to last the rest of your life, and
someone has to be there to take care of you.
—Art Wilson, co-founder of the American Veterans Disabled
for Life Memorial
are injured and life goes on, except, life is never the same. Whether you can see someone’s disability or
not, the pain never leaves.
—Diane Musselmann, spouse of the late Kenneth Musselmann
It’s not what you’ve lost that counts, it’s what you do with
what’s left… In a way, I’m special, I thought.
I’m a member of a unique group.
It could be the end of the world for me, or it could be the beginning of
a whole new life.
—WWII veteran’s words inscribed in the wall at the American
Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial
Washington's circular farewell letter to the Army
Before I conclude the subject of public justice, I cannot
omit to mention the obligation this country is under, to that meritorious class
of veteran non-commissioned officers and privates, who have been discharged for
inability…nothing could be a more melancholy and distressing sight, than to
behold those who have shed their blood or lost their limbs in the service of
their country
—George Washington’s farewell letter to the Army, June 8,
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