I received the following from a dear friend:
Hi Jeff,
I was surfing around looking for stuff for my upcoming Vietnam reunion and tripped over this website and more importantly this hymn sung by the West Point Choir. Turn up your speakers and listen. It gives me goose bumps it's so beautiful.
After surfing the web a bit and listening to the song over and over and over, I decided to post it here on the Warrior SOS blog. Enjoy!
God bless all those who've served or are serving.
"The Mansions of the Lord"
To fallen soldiers let us sing
where no rockets fly nor bullets wing
Our broken brothers let us bring
to the mansions of the Lord
No more bleeding no more fight
No prayers pleading through the night
just divine embrace, eternal light
in the mansions of the Lord
Where no mothers cry and no children weep
We will stand and guard tho the angels sleep
All through the ages safely keep the mansions of the Lord
"Mansions of the Lord" is a hymn written by Randall Wallace and set to the music of Nick Glennie-Smith.
"Mansions" was originally written for the 2002 film We Were Soldiers, and was performed by the United States Military Academy Glee Club.
I'm reminded of a Bible verse in the book of Revelations (21:4):
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain."
To read amazing interviews with warriors, check out Warrior SOS: Interviews, Insights and Inspiration, the book on Amazon.com. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D3WO7VK
Warrior SOS is dedicated to helping families and individuals associated with military, law enforcement and security operations. We teach tactical firearms safety and survival. Our motto: Train. Win. Recover.
About Me

- Jeffrey Denning
- I'm the author of four books: Warrior SOS, The Work of Death, Together Forever, and Leaders Wanted. I'm in the doc film Please Remove Your Shoes. I've blogged for The Washington Times, and I write for Guns.com. I've worked for the high-profile U.S.-led Roadmap to Mideast Peace in Israel and Palestine. I've also worked as a SWAT team leader, a Federal Air Marshal and a sole-source training instructor on a classified contract with a U.S. government customer. My master's degree is in Military Studies and terrorism. I'm a former noncommissioned and commissioned Army officer, with service in Iraq. I've been Scuba diving and skydiving; I have trained with members of the U.S. Olympic Ski Team, and I'm an FBI-trained crisis negotiator. My interests lie in helping others and in strengthening America through inspiring moral courage, government fiscal responsibility and accountability, and maintaining principles that have made--and will continue to make--the United States of America a blessed and prosperous country. I'm a father of six, a husband, and a police officer. I reside in Utah, and I'm a Mormon. See also https://jeffreydenning.wordpress.com.