September 12, 2014

Low Ready or Compression Ready? Punching Out and Picking Up On Your Sights Fast

I was looking at some of my old articles and videos on recently and ran across this embedded video.  I was letting my son and some neighbors shoot and decided to do a quick video.

While I use the term "compression ready" in this video, I know that some people would call that a "high ready" position, which differs from a "high ready" with the muzzle pointed up in the sky that I elude to in the video.

That said, I do like (or I don't mind) a "low ready" position where the muzzle is just below the suspects hands, but I still would rather have my elbows compressed, even slightly, because then my muzzle would be pointed at Mr. Bad Guy, instead of at his feet.

Remember, action is faster than reaction and I want to give myself a tactical advantage, therefore every tiny thing I can do to give me the tactical edge, I want to incorporate into my combat gun handling repertoire. (Say that five times, fast.)

Anyway, enjoy.

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