July 21, 2012

Police Officer Shot, but Survived. Police Officer Prayer

In May 2012, a CHP officer shot in the hand and the vest by an evil would-be assassin. 'Couldn't upload the radio traffic audio, unfortunately, but the officer was calm and reported all the necessary information to the excellent 9-1-1 operator. He did so while pursuing the suspect until his tire went too flat to pursue further.

A Police Officer's Prayer
author unknown

Oh Almighty God,
Whose Great Power And Eternal
Wisdom Embraces The Universe,
Watch Over All Policemen and
Law Enforcement Officers.
Protect Them From Harm
In The Performance Of Their Duty
To Stop Crime, Robberies,
Riots And Violence.
We Pray, Help Them Keep
Our Streets And Homes Safe
Day And Night.
We Recommend Them To
Your Loving Care
Because Their Duty Is Dangerous.
Grant Them Your Unending Strength And
Courage In Their Daily Assignments.
Dear God, Protect These
Brave Men & Women,
Grant Them Your Almighty
Unite Them Safely With Their
Families After Duty Has Ended.

To read amazing interviews with warriors, check out my book Warrior SOS: Interviews, Insights and Inspiration, the book on Amazon.com. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D3WO7VK

July 18, 2012

Armed Robbers get Shot by 71 year old man -- the Good Guy

It's sad that this man might be facing post traumatic stress. He saved a lot of people. Who knows what could have happened. I'm glad he was armed -- legally armed, no doubt.

To read amazing interviews with warriors, check out Warrior SOS: Interviews, Insights and Inspiration, the book on Amazon.com. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D3WO7VK