November 1, 2012

Wounded Warrior Project (WWP)

One of the original founders of the WWP and I spoke just moments ago. (Thanks Bruce!)

The WWP is an incredible organization that has helped many, many warriors. 

NCO and Army Ranger Jeremy Feldbusch, who lost his eyesight while in Iraq in 2003, for instance, has been helped in great ways. Not that only, but Jeremy and his parents have helped a multitude of others by their drive, innovation and love of God, family and country. The Feldbusch family are genuinely exceptional people who have done exceptional things.

To read amazing interviews with warriors, check out Warrior SOS: Interviews, Insights and Inspiration, the book on Here's the link:

Parents of deceased Tier I Navy Seal speak out

Billy and Karen Vaughn lost their son, Aaron, a SEAL on the most elite unit (DevGru, a.k.a. SEAL Team 6), on August 6, 2011.

Their website is: 

The title of this online show and Mrs. Vaughn's words reminded me of another man whom I was introduced to years ago, John Bernard. He lost his son in combat.

I wrote about him and the media coverage showing his bloodied son here: 

It's not so much about the political ramifications of this message, although there certainly is hesitation to use force in war which proves dangerous to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, but I include this video link because of the heartbreak of both father and mother losing their son.

To read amazing interviews with warriors, check out Warrior SOS: Interviews, Insights and Inspiration, the book on Here's the link:

Officer Involved Shooting (OIS)

There was a police officer involved shooting today. It was not too far from my home. I was actually headed to the police department to talk to someone about becoming a volunteer police chaplain when I drove near the the scene.

My prayers go out to all those involved -- the family, friends and community, as well as the law enforcement officers. The last thing police want to do is get in a lethal confrontation. Police officers, by nature and by training, do all they can to avoid these circumstances. These situations are always hurtful, emotionally and spiritually, to all parties involved. Again, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those involved. May there be healing and hope in the days and months that come.

To read amazing interviews with warriors, check out Warrior SOS: Interviews, Insights and Inspiration, the book on Here's the link: